Backpacks for Babies of the Appalachian Coalmining Counties
BBACC Ministry
Realizing the need and having a desire to do something for the families in the coalmining region of Appalachia, the BBACC ministry was born. While there are many needs in that region, one that stood out was support for new moms and their babies. The BBACC ministry focus is to provide essential baby items in a backpack to be given to new moms. The idea is that the backpacks will be used by moms as their baby grows from infant to toddler and beyond.
Contact has been made with an elder at Grace Fellowship Presbyterian Church in Middlesboro, KY, who is also a chaplain with the Appalachian Regional Healthcare (ARH) Hospitals. The church and the Chaplains’ program are on board, fully supportive, and have authorization to work this ministry in as many of the ARH regional hospitals (all in Appalachia) as can be supported. Approval from ARH Hospitals has been given to the Chaplains to deliver backpacks to new moms. Ladies from Grace Fellowship Presbyterian Church will also be involved as much as possible.
If you would like to sponsor a backpack they are $75 each, you can make your check out to FPC, memo BBACC Ministry. Or you can purchase items and drop them off in the church office or church foyer.
Below is a list of items needed to fill each backpack:
Disposable diapers (newborn)
Baby wipes
Knit caps
Receiving blankets
Baby wash/shampoo
Comb and brush set
Nursery Care Kit (thermometer, suction bulb, nail clips, etc.)
Rash ointment
Crib sheet
Bottle brush
**Many of these items can be purchased at the Dollar Store Aldi’s, Target, Walmart, Roses, etc….**
We appreciate your support in filling backpacks and for praying for these moms, the babies, their families and for the BBACC Ministry. It is our desire for this much needed ministry to be on-going.
For more information contact:
Jennifer Smith - (828) 778-6623 -
Tena Cole - (828) 645-3539 -
Carol McAbee - (828) 337-0745 -