Women in the Church (WIC)

The initials, WIC, suggest the symbol of an old-fashioned kerosene lamp with a wick.  This symbol emphasizes the importance of spiritual life and growth to the women and encourages them to obey Christ’s command to shine as lights in a dark world.  It is explained this way:

In order for the kerosene lamp to give light, it must be filled with oil.  The wick must rest continually in the oil and must be controlled by the knob on the side of the lamp and the wick must be trimmed regularly in order to burn effectively.  The lamp chimney must be kept clean and clear. Similarly, the believer’s life must be filled with the oil of the Holy Spirit.  As the wick rests in the oil and is fully saturated with it, so must the WIC rest in Christ and draw life and spiritual strength from His Holy Spirit. Any spiritual light radiating from the Christian is a result of the indwelling presence of Christ. 

The knob on the side of the lamp represents the Word of God, by which the lives of believers must be daily regulated and trimmed in obedience to His revealed will. Impurities in the wick represent sins of the spirit, such as attitudes that hinder the work of the Holy Spirit or neglect of prayer and Bible study.  A dirty chimney is like obvious sins in the life that prevent others from seeing the light of Christ there.

For Zion’s sake I will not rest and for Jerusalem’s sake I will not keep silent,
until her righteousness goes forth as brightness and the salvation
thereof as a lamp that burneth. 

-Isaiah 62:1

The WIC Ministry is divided up into three circles that function as Small Bible Study Groups. Each circle meets once a month and has between 7 and 15 members. Two circles meet during the day while one circle meets in the evening. We love new members! Circle information is listed below:

Circle Joy - 12-month study on From Garden to Glory by Courtney Doctor
Leader: Joyce Fisher
When: First Monday of each month.
Time: 1:00pm
Where: Church Office Conference Room

Circle Goodness - 12-month study on Gospel of Matthew part 2 by Susan Hunt
Leader: Nancy Morgan
When: First Tuesday of each month.
Time: 1:00pm
Where: Church Office Conference Room

Circle Peace - 12-month study on Prayers of the Bible by Susan Hunt
Leader: Carol McAbee
When: First Monday of each month.
Time: 6:00pm
Where: Church Office Conference Room

2025 WIC Ministry Coordinator: Connie Buckner

Beautification of Sanctuary (contact is Jennifer Parsell)

Compassion (contact is Sandy Massey)

Hospitality (contact is Jennifer Smith)

Local Missions/Outreach (contact is Joyce Fisher)

Support/Encouragement (contact is….)

Women’s Conferences and Retreats (contact is Connie Buckner)

Welcoming Ministry (WIC Ministry Coordinator)