Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Dear Church Family, 

  It has been two days since you heard the first of two sermons on the beautiful doctrine of adoption. I trust a search of your spiritual DNA reveals your identity rests secure in the saving work of Jesus and that you know God has adopted you as His beloved child. 

  Without doubt, Jesus commissioned His ambassadors to proclaim the Gospel – the fact that Jesus came to redeemed sinners by faith in His atoning work on the cross. Until He returns this glorious proclamation remains the primary work of preachers. I believe the second most important task of one in the pulpit is to assure God’s people of their identity as an adopted child of the Creator God. 

  Of course, Satan cannot stand the idea that the all-powerful God cradles His chosen children in His loving arms; that they can call out, “Abba, Father”; that they pray to the Heavenly Father; and, that they enjoy great blessings unique to those who by grace claim membership in the eternal family of God. 

  Therefore, the evil one must do something to deceive them and lead them away from their Father. Remember Satan has used the same lies since the Garden of Eden. He will challenge the authority of the Bible – “Did God really say?” – to bring doubt about the intimate relationship God has with His children. He then piles on by wondering why God would adopt someone like you because of the bad things you did at some point earlier (even years ago) and that must disqualify from ever being a child of God. He might appeal to our pride. Imagine Satan whispering to you that you are a self-sufficient adult and you do not need to be dependent on anyone or anything. 

  Sadly, people will buy into the lies and miss out on the blessings of being a child of God. We forget the glory of the Gospel of grace. Not one person deserves the favor of God. Paul puts the lies of Satan in the dumpster when he writes in Romans 5:8, “But while we were yet sinner Christ died for us.” Salvation comes by grace alone and so does adoption. It must always amaze us that God loves us. Grace has a way of doing that. So live as a child of God today and forever.  

Living by grace to His glory, 
Pastor Gillikin