Dear Church Family,
Happy Saint Patrick's Day! In the midst of a world that has been turned upside down, it is worth noting how much smarter you are today than you were say two months ago. You now know the term ‘coronavirus’ – under a powerful microscope it shows its crown (corona) shape. Few people had heard of Wuhan, China, a city of over eleven million (that is twice as many as Los Angeles) where the virus originated, until a few weeks ago.
Now comes a term that is new to me and most likely to you as well – though it has been used for many years. That term is ‘Social Distancing.’ It is a way to stop the spread of infection by keeping people away from one another. Leviticus 13:46 commanded those with leprosy “must live alone.” As a result lepers lived alone or in colonies with other lepers, but apart from the majority of the population. Today, physicians strongly recommend and government leaders are mandating that we live away from others, or at least stay six feet away, to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.
This is wise advice that we should follow, but it runs contrary to how we have been created in the image of God. God made Adam and later declared, “It is not good for man to be alone.” God formed Eve out of Adam’s rib. They enjoyed community with one another and with God. Even the fall has not taken away our need to be with others, though our sin will drive us to hide from God. The isolation now caused by the virus should cause us to ponder wonderful truths that God’s people get to enjoy.
First, nothing can separate us from God or His love. You can read Romans 8:28 to the end of the chapter to see how true that is. Therefore, God is with you even when isolated from others. Second, you have the opportunity to be a vessel of God’s grace to others during this time of Social Distancing. Please pick up the phone and call a fellow church member. Ask how you can pray for them, share news, tell them what God is doing in your life and see how you can help them out. Use you creativity to use this time to live to the glory of God and be used by Him in the lives of others.
Pastor Gillikin