Thursday, March 26, 2020

Dear Church Family,

The crab cakes were delicious. Thanks for asking. I trust you will make Maryland Day an annual celebration with your choice of crabs, oysters, clams and/or rockfish. Now back to the points from John Piper’s booklet “Don’t Waste Your Cancer” and how we can benefit by putting ‘Covid-19’ in the place of cancer.

We waste our (‘Covid-19’) if we do not believe it is designed for us by God.

This point directs us to several wonderful theological truths. Please keep in mind that true theology must be practical because it reflects an honest study of the living God who gives eternal life to those who trust in Jesus. First, the underlying truth of all theology is God’s sovereign rule over all things. There are no accidents in the universe that God rules over. None! Romans 8:28 is getting a good workout these days and for good reason because, “We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.” Only those who by grace are God’s peoples can take comfort in this great truth.

Second, Satan wants to deceive us with his old tricks first used on Adam and Eve in the garden. He will try to get us to question God’s promises with “Did God really say?” He will strive to get our eyes off of Jesus “the author and perfecter of our faith” to Whom Hebrews 12:2 directs us. He will tempt us to run in anger from God rather than joyfully racing to His loving embrace. Do not be fooled by the deceiver who has been defeated by the redemptive work of our Savior.

Third, every act of God (or all that happens) has a purpose. Be careful not to trivialize this by dismissing this time of crisis with a shrug of your shoulders and chirping, “Everything happens for a reason.” This truth holds great comfort for us as recipients of His grace. Therefore, …

We waste our (‘Covid-19’) if we believe it is a curse and not a gift.

We readily grab on to the good gifts that only God can give. The greatest gift that can never be bought by anyone is our salvation through faith alone in Jesus. I hope you daily thank God for this gift as well as all that He supplies on a daily basis. Piper quotes Numbers 23:23 to stress that not one of God’s chosen can be cursed. So when sickness or others problems caused by living in a fallen world, they must be joyously seen as gifts from our Heavenly Father. Piper describes tough challenges as having “been transformed from a punitive pathway to hell into a purifying pathway to heaven. We are not cursed. As hard as it is to feel this, we believe God is not withholding good. He is going good.”

The question to ponder is “What will you do with God’s gift of the Covid-19 virus?” Let me offer a few suggestions as all of us have more free time on our hands. Pray a little more. Ask Him to grow you in grace and a deeper trust in Him as you live to His glory. Read your Bible a little more. Call on church members for mutual encouragement. Read a good book. Count your many blessings!

Pastor Gillikin